Thursday 18 October 2012

Charisma alone does not a leader make

When someone has charisma, they have a magnetic appeal about them that enables them to inspire others with compelling attractiveness.  Charisma is one characteristic of leadership that we sometimes see in organisational and political leadership today.  That is, an ability to inspire and/or influence people towards a common goal with compelling attractiveness. 
However, charisma alone does not equal great leadership.  History shows leaders who have been gifted with charisma yet have been incredibly destructive towards the human race such as Hitler.  On the other hand we have witnessed leaders like Nelson Mandela who is filled with charisma and achieved positively through great leadership.  Charisma, when harnessed for good, can be a positive characteristic of great leadership.
In order for leaders to be great though, they cannot rest on charisma alone.   As I have reflected on what has made me follow great leaders in history and in organisations, it has not been their charismatic leadership, although it may be initially attractive.   What has always inspired me to follow a leader is their ability to share their belief; their ability to inspire towards a dream; an ability to empathize and listen; and unquestionable trusting character.  
A call to action for Leaders.  Allow your character to be the foundation of your leadership.  Charisma is one aspect of leadership but don’t allow your charisma to carry you further than your character can sustain you.
People will follow charisma for a season but will follow leadership for life.

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